Invited Speakers

IEEE WOLTE16 is pleased to have invited oral presentations from the individuals below.

  • Marco Arzeo


  • Samuel Benz


  • Flavio Bergamaschi


  • Marco Colangelo

    Northeastern University

  • Erik DeBenedictis

    Zettaflops, LLC

  • Kaveh Delfanazari

    University of Glasgow

  • Luigi Di Palma


  • Anita Fadavi Roudsari

    Chalmers University of Technology

  • Coenrad Fourie

    Stellenbosch University

  • Andrey Generalov

    VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

  • Fernando Gonzalez-Zalba

    Quantum Motion

  • Alexander Grill


  • Manu Komalan


  • Vladimir Krasnov

    Stockholm University

  • Devendra Kumar Namburi

    University of Glasgow

  • Gwenael Le Gal

    Néel Institute - CNRS

  • Hao Li

    Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Tiefu Li

    Tsinghua University

  • Juho Luomahaara

    VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd

  • Roberto Moretti

    INFN - Sezione di Milano Bicocca

  • Mikko Möttönen

    Aalto University

  • Anze Mraz

    Jozef Stefan Institute

  • Hiroshi Oka

    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

  • Sorin Paraoanu

    Aalto University

  • Anton Potocnik


  • Jie Ren


  • Leon Ruf

    University of Konstanz

  • Ken Segall

    Colgate University

  • Mika Sillanpää

    Aalto University

  • Ognjen Stanisavljevic

    Université Paris Saclay

  • Lorenzo Stasi

    ID Quantique SA & University of Geneve

  • Ronny Stolz

    Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology

  • Maxim Vavilov

    University of Wisconsin

  • Stephen Whiteley

    Synopsys, Inc

  • Nobuyuki Yoshikawa

    Yokohama National University